Day #2: Embrace Wellbeing and Belonging
01 Learn Another way to put more “we” in our “me” is to embrace wellbeing and belonging. “We are all wired for wellbeing.” So say our friends at The Full Frame Initiative (FFI). Wellbeing is about the wholeness of people and communities. According to FFI, wellbeing is
Day #1: Embrace Community
01 Learn One way to “shift from me to we” is to embrace community. But what is community, and why does it matter to our work for racial equity and social justice in food and other systems? Early on in our equity learning journey at Food Solutions
Week One Theme: “Shifting From Me to We”
This week will look at why it is important to shift perspective from seeing ourselves as completely separate individuals guided only by self-interest, to understanding ourselves as unique beings who are also a part of something much larger and wonderful. It seems that many of the social and systemic challenges
Spanish Translation of FSNE REC Available!
Spanish translation of the 2024 Racial Equity Challenge prompts is provided by FrontLine Farming, a nonprofit farm and advocacy group focusing on food security, food Justice and food sovereignty. FrontLine Farming and Mile High Farmers recognize that language justice is an integral part of both racial justice and food justice
Preparing for the FSNE 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge
Welcome and Guidance We want to thank you for signing up for the FSNE 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge. You are joining tens of thousands of people who have registered over the past 10 years. You are part of a movement that continues to grow and evolve!